miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Gran dolor por la muerte de Friedrich Katz (1927-2010)

Con sumo dolor comunicamos a la comunidad de historiadores que falleció Friedrich Katz (1927-2010), distinguido profesional de la Historia Latinoamericana, colega y maestro generoso. A continuación detallamos el anuncio con el que el Centro Katz de la Universidad de Chicago anunció su muerte:
Friedrich Katz, 83 years old, of Chicago, died on October 16, 2010, in Philadelphia. Professor Katz was a distinguished scholar of Mexican history, whose major work on the Mexican revolution drew acute parallels with major trends in global historiography. His wide interests extended from the study of Aztec society to an account of Mexico's diplomatic role in World War I. Katz taught at the Humboldt University in Berlin before joining the Department of History at the University of Chicago, where he taught for 40 years. Katz was born in Vienna and raised in Berlin up to the age of six, when his family fled Nazi Germany for Paris. In 1938 the family had to flee again, this time to New York. Unable to gain permanent resident status in the U.S., they found refuge in Mexico, sparking Katz's lifelong interest.
Katz is survived by his widow Dr. Jana Katz, a pediatrician; his daughter Jacqueline Ross, of Champaign Urbana, his son, Leo, of Philadelphia, and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Tuesday October 19 at 2:00pm at Joseph Levine and Sons Memorial Chapel, 4737 Street Road, Trevose, PA 19053 Interment will be held in Vienna, Austria.

Agradezco al Sr. Horacio Zapata por esta información que contribuye al crecimiento y actualización de este blog.

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